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  • sealongingselkie

New Book! with poetry AND PROSE

I'm proud to announce a good facelift on the website and my first book with Sea Crow Press!

Our Pacific story was always meant to be a trilogy, so here is the third part of the Pacific with my New Zealand poetry, and a lot of experimental prose!

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Sail alongside Magdalena and her family to lose yourself in post-apocalyptic survival, mountain-summiting thunder, moon-cratered wonderment, endless-ocean visions, heart-stealing waves, and the grabbing, giving wind that will harness you to words. Dare to share the courage that it takes to leave everything behind with a family in tow and find excitement in not knowing what comes next. It will make you grab a railing, think on promises, and want to live in the South Pacific.   

Experimental poetry and prose interweave, forming a storyline that begins on Bora Bora, survives a storm en route to Tonga, safely traverses to New Zealand, and explores the swallowing seas and the land from its giant kauri trees to its rare wētā punga, hungry trout, glowing worms, and bunny-filled mountains. These detailed words aim to motivate the protection of what they examine: the elements of earth on which we thrive.

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